Further Education and Training

With challenging economic times and shifting international markets, the demand for up-skilling, reskilling, retraining, educational progression and adaptability within our nation’s workforce has never been more needed. As education and training service providers, ETBs are best placed to respond to the change in educational, training and work life needs in our local communities.

  • ETBs provide further education and training to over 200,000 adults annually; much of this targeting disadvantage, those with low basic skills and those seeking a second chance at education and training
  • Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) programmes offer education and training to 33,748 school leavers and adults – ultimately providing access to employment and/or third level education
  • Self-financing evening classes, covering a very wide range of subject areas, cater to some 50,000 adults annually
  • ETBs will assumed responsibility for former FÁS Training Centres in 2014

Kerry ETB Training Centre YouTube Channel

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