About ETBI

Under the Education and Training Boards Act 2013, Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) is defined as;
An association established to collectively represent education and training boards and promote their interests, which is recognised by the Minister for the purposes of this Act.

Under the Act the Minister may request ETBI to:

  • make representations on behalf of an ETB in respect of its functions,
  • conduct surveys in respect of information sought by the Minister in respect of the performance of functions by ETBs,
  • give such assistance to an ETB as the Minister considers necessary for the effective discharge of its functions,
  • assist two or more ETBs in the joint performance by them of any of their functions,
  • assist an ETB that has entered into an arrangement with an education or training provider for the joint performance of any of the functions of the board.

Education and Training Boards (ETBs) were statutorily established on 1 July 2013 and they are constituted from the former VECs and FÁS Training Centres. ETBI was also established on 1 July 2013.

The Principal Object of ETBI is to promote the development of education, training and youthwork in Ireland.

ETBI therefore:

  • represents, negotiates and advocates on behalf of member ETBs
  • consults and negotiates at national level on behalf of ETB members with Government Departments, Trade Unions and with a range of other relevant bodies and authorities
  • promotes the development and implementation of appropriate education and training policies, procedures and guidance for member ETB
  • conducts research, devises and delivers education and training programmes targeted at the general ETB membership

ETBI head office services to its members include:

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