ETBI Consultation on the National Assessment Procedures Handbook

ETBI Consultation on the National Assessment Procedures Handbook


An ETBI National Assessment Procedures Handbook Working Group has been established and has commenced development of a new sectoral assessment handbook.

Phase 1 of the development (Dec ’16 – April ’17) focused on four assessment procedural areas which emerged, through consultation with the ETBI QA Forum, as priority procedures to be addressed. The Working Group has now developed these four draft assessment procedures and is seeking feedback directly from the ETB sector and other stakeholders through this consultation process. Feedback is being sought on the following Consultative Draft Assessment Procedures:

  1. Assessment Deadlines
  2. Assessment Malpractice
  3. Compassionate Consideration in Extenuating Circumstances
  4. Reasonable Accommodation in Assessment


The consultation is open until Friday June 9th 2017

To find out more you can read the background document here Background Paper…. and take part in the online survey here


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