Intensive Tuition in Adult Basic Education (ITABE)

The ITABE project is an initiative of the Department of Education & Science to deliver through ETB Adult Literacy Services, a model of tuition in adult literacy and basic education for adults who are educationally disadvantaged. The aim of the programme is to provide participants, in groups of 6 – 8 students, with an opportunity to access 6 hours of tuition per week over a 14-week period as opposed to the average of 2 hours per week currently provided.
A number of these projects have been allocated to each of the 16 ETBs.

Who are the course participants?

Participants will be 18 years of age or older and not attending full-time second level education. They must be experiencing a severe degree of literacy or numeracy difficulties and have a literacy standard below QQI Level 3.

What might the course content include?

The majority of tuition hours will be allocated to modules most directly related to literacy/numeracy provision. The course content should include a combination of the following:

  • Communication Skills: Oracy / Reading / Writing /Spelling /Numeracy
  • Learning to Learn: Understanding Learning Styles / Study Skills / Educational Guidance
  • Introduction to IT: Basic Computers / Internet

Will there be an option of accreditation?

Participants will be given the opportunity to gain QQI accreditation if they so choose and if it is available. All participants must have their literacy/numeracy skills assessed at the beginning and end of the course using appropriate methodologies.

What additional supports are available to participants?

Adult students taking part in ITABE programmes are entitled to access the Adult Education Guidance Initiative in schemes in which guidance projects have been established.

Since ITABE projects will be provided by local VEC Adult Literacy Services participants will also benefit from the existing supports provided by these services.

How can I find out more?

If you would like any further details please contact the National ITABE Coordinator Marian Lynch at Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB, 1 Tuansgate, Tallaght, Dublin 24.

Tel: 01-4529600 or email

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