ETBI National Assessment Reference Framework – Consultation Drafts

The FET Directors’ QA Strategy Group is overseeing the implementation of a number of collaborative sectoral QA projects, working closely with the ETBI QA forum, the Further Education Support Service (FESS), ETB Nominees and other stakeholders. These projects include the development of a supporting Assessment Reference Framework. The implementation and utilisation of these models within the ETBs will be communicated once the content is agreed upon through sectoral consultation and implementation strategies devised and adopted by the FET Directors.

The development of this material was carried out by the ETBI Assessment Working Group who took cognisance of existing good practice and experience of assessment processes across all provision in the ETBs. Following a national call, assessment materials were submitted by the sector to be referenced by the working group in conjunction with other researched material. The Working Group has now developed phase two of this reference material, and consultation on the following document is now taking place:

This consultation is open until Friday February 9th 2018.

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