ETB/SOLAS Project Management Office

The ETB/SOLAS Project Management Office (PMO) was established in May 2013.  It is responsible for managing the reform programme for the ETB/SOLAS sector.  On 1 July 2013 16 education and training boards (ETBs) were established to replace 33 vocational education committees (VECs).  SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority, was established on 27 October 2013.  Seven training centres transferred from SOLAS to ETBs on 1 January 2014. The remainder of training centres will be transferred on 1st July 2014. Given the significance of these reforms, and the challenges which they give rise to, the Department of Education and Skills established the ETB/SOLAS PMO to manage the programme of reform.

The ETB/SOLAS Programme Board was established in May 2013 to actively support and enable the implementation of the overall reform programme for the ETB/SOLAS sector.  This Programme Board is chaired by the Secretary General and includes members of the Department’s senior management team along with the General Secretary of ETBI, the Chief Executive of SOLAS and the Chief Executives of two ETBs.

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