EULIVET (European Leadership and Management in Vocational Education and Training)

In 2012, ETBI (IVEA) and ten other European institutions formed EULIVET (European Leadership and Management in Vocational Education and Training), a Leonardo da Vinci-funded partnership consisting of representatives of VET institutions, professional associations of VET leaders and principals, national VET associations and intermediary bodies, and other stakeholders from the world of education and work. EULIVET is a successor to EUproVET.

Download EULIVET Information Leaflet EULIVET_Project_Report_ximg

In the rapidly changing global economy and concerns about Europe’s ability to create a competitive workforce, attention has been focused on the vocational education and training (VET) systems of European Member States, highlighting their critical role in ensuring a prosperous future for Europe. The crucial role of management and leadership in VET in implementing current reforms in VET in Europe has been recognised. The EULIVET project focuses on identifying good leadership and management practices of VET providers to support and promote the short time deliverables of the Bruges Communiqué in fostering the quality and relevance of Vocational Education and Training.

The main themes of the partnership focus on:

  • Implementing quality assurance in VET
  • Evolving roles of VET leaders, teachers and trainers
  • The labour market relevance of VET and
  • The international cooperation of VET leaders and managers

These themes are linked both to the implementation of the European Quality Assurance reference framework in VET (EQAVET) and to the work of the EU thematic working groups of changing competence profiles of VET teachers and trainers.

The objectives of the partnership are to identify, share and develop good management and leadership practices in:

  • How VET providers ensure the systematic process to identify and meet their stakeholders’ needs
  • What types of mechanisms have VET providers developed to identify training needs of the labour market
  • How VET providers develop a shared vision with stakeholders
  • What kind of leadership is needed to communicate the shared vision and to develop commitment among VET staff
  • What kind of processes and procedures of competence management and skills development are needed to recognize, develop and ensure required competences and skills of VET teachers, trainers and leaders
  • Identifying best approaches to realizing the development of VET specific skills and competences needed of VET teachers, trainers and leaders

In this partnership, ETBI and other VET sector organisations, VET providers and VET leaders together with representatives of the world of work, professional organisations and intermediary bodies intend to identify good practices to foster the quality and labour market relevancy of VET.

Link to EULIVET website

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