Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy 10-Year Strategy for Ireland. Consultation Open.

The Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science has tasked Solas with the development of a 10-Year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy for Ireland and Solas would like to hear your views.


Who this consultation is for?

This consultation is for anybody with an interest in improving literacy, numeracy and digital literacy for adults.


Solas want to hear your views on:

  • What you think are the challenges and opportunities for Ireland in relation to adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.
  • How you think we can create an environment where all adults in Ireland have the necessary literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to fully take part in society.

Please note: This consultation will close at 6pm 31 December 2020. 

Further information can be found here Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy for Ireland (



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