
RTÉ backs Adult Literacy and promotes local ETBs

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Nala are delighted to announce that RTÉ is throwing its weight behind our Take the first step campaign this January, promoting it across its television, radio and online services.

Fronted by Joe Duffy, Brenda Donohue and Marty Morrissey, Take the first step aims to support people in Ireland who have difficulty with reading, writing, maths or technology to get the help they need.

Bringing it into the mainstream world of media through RTE will likely have a significant impact on the conversation taking place around adult literacy and on ways in which it can be tackled.The campaign, which also highlights that there are many different types of literacy, seeks to de-stigmatise this issue.

Take the first step is managed by the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) with support from SOLAS, the State Further Education and Training Authority and Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI).



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Would your ETB like to run a local awareness campaign in 2020?


This year, SOLAS, NALA and ETBI would like to pilot some local awareness raising campaigns with some ETBs that would include:

  • Local events
  • Advertising
  • Public relations support


If you are interested in getting involved, email by Friday 24 January to register your interest.



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